Posting and Commenting Schedule

In a regular week you are expected to post ONCE to our blog and comment on our blog at least TWO times. All weeknight posts must be completed by 7:30pm. Weekend posts must be completed by NOON on Sunday. You may comment as late as you want.

Group A: Dana, Emma, Ella, and Dylan
Group A will post for chapters (6,7), (14,15), and (22,23)

Group B: Philip, Colin, and Jonathan
Group B will post for chapters (8,9), (16,17), and (24, 25)

Group C: Hagar, Cece, Will, and Veronica
Group C will post for chapters (10, 11), (18,19),  and (26, 27)

Group D: Christina, Mia, and Alex  

Group D will post for chapters (12, 13), (20, 21), and (28, 29, 30, 31)

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