Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Chapter #6-7 Explain Jem’s statement: “When I went back they were folded across the fence . . . like they were expectin’ me.”  -Dana Yesson-

After Dill and Jem decided to go and look through the window of the Radley's place to try and see something, they get confronted by a shadowy figure. Through all this action Jem has to go through a fence, resulting in the loss of his pants. Originally the characters went to Dill's aunt fishing pond, and Dill decided to walk back past the Radley's. They try and take a look in the Radley's window and just see blinds, then are faced with the shadowy figure and scram towards the schoolyard. While going under the fence in the yard, Jem's pants get ripped off. They rush back to the house, and Atticus, Miss Maudie, and Miss Stephanie Crawford are all confused what commotion is going on. Atticus asks about Jem's lack of pants and Dill comes up with the excuse "We were playin' Strip poker up yonder by the fishpool," (pg. 61). Jem then tells them actually he was playing with matches (another lie to try and get them out of the mess that they had with the Radley's). Atticus tells Jem to go get his pants then, but he actually has to go back near the Radley's to get them. A week passes and we learn from Jem, who is now quiet and shaken up the day he went to get his pants. He said  they were "expecting him." When the breeches broke, they were all tangled but when he came back for them, they were folded and sewed crookedly. Jem explains it as "somebody reading my mind . . . like somebody could tell what I was gonna do."(pg.66) The Radley's obviously don't think it's very funny they keep going near their house, like taking stuff from the knothole, playing the Radley game etc. Now it has escalated and become even more creepy for everyone in the book.


  1. When Jem goes back to the Radley's house to retrieve his pants, he finds them neatly folded and "waiting" for him. Though I do agree that it is very creepy that the pants were folded and sewed up, I do not think that Boo Radley is annoyed with the children coming near the house. I think that Nathan Radley is annoyed with the children, being the one to fire the shot at Jem, Scout, and Dill when they decide to try and look through the window, and later filling up the knot hole with cement to stop Jem and Scout from getting the presents in the knothole. On page 83, Nathan Radley says, “I filled it up… Tree’s dying” (Lee 83). Later, Atticus says that the tree looks perfectly healthy. I think that Boo Radley is trying to communicate with the kids.

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  3. Great Post! I have been wondering: who sewed and folded the pants? I believe that Boo Radley folded them. Jem says, "They'd been sewed up. Not like a lady sewed 'em like somethin' I'd try to do"(Lee, pg. 78). Nathan shot at Jem so he probably did not do a favor like this for Jem. This means that Boo Radley must have folded and sewed the pants.
    Who do you think did it and why?

  4. When Jem goes back near the Radley house to retrieve his pants, he finds that his pants are folded and sewn. I believe that Boo Radley was the one to fold the pants and sew them because he likes the kids for they amuse him, as he laughed in the beginning of the book. Boo Radley is also the one to leave them stuff in the knothole at the tree. I also think that Nathan Radley knows it was Jem because he later he lies about the tree dying. He must have put the cement there to prevent them from getting more gum and other valuables. Nathan knew it was Jem, Scout, and Dill, but doesn't hate them enough to kill them. He just wants them to stop messing with his house and Boo so he lies to the group of people who heard the commotion.
