Sunday, September 25, 2016

Chapters 10&11: Why do you think Atticus never revealed he was an expert marksman? - Hagar

Atticus never revealed he was an expert marksman because he takes no pride in the ability to kill. In chapter 10, after he has to kill a rabid dog, it is revealed that Scout’s father is an excellent shot. Scout is shocked by this information, especially after spending the first half of the chapter lamenting over Atticus’s lack of skills. She wonders why Atticus never bragged about his skills to which Miss Maudie replies “‘...he decided he wouldn’t shoot till he had to, and he had to today’” (Lee 101). Atticus isn’t a violent person. This is evident both in his parenting, teaching Jem and Scout how to handle situations calmly instead of fighting, and in how he shoots, only when necessary. His ideology contrasts with the general outlook on shooting and hunting as commonplace and accepted. This theme of Atticus’s opinions on things such as language, morals, racism, and Arthur Boo Radley, clashing with the general public’s views, is a common theme throughout the book. Atticus doesn’t shoot because he prefers to use knowledge, rather than guns, as his weapon.

How do you think this topic is relevant today, with all the talk about gun violence?


  1. I totally agree with you. I think that Atticus never brought it up because he did not want the children to grow up under an example of 'courage' or 'skill' which he did not value or agree with. At the end of chapter 11, Atticus discusses the values of courage. He talks about how courage is more about overcoming things inside yourself than being unstoppable with a gun. All in all, Atticus wanted to set the right example for his children.

  2. I also agree with you Veronica and Hagar because also he works with law, and most definetly killing goes against was Atticus believes. Also to add on to what Veronica said, he wants to be a role model for his kids, but if he is shooting things right and left, well then his kids will follow which isn't what Atticus wants.

  3. I also agree with you Veronica and Hagar because also he works with law, and most definetly killing goes against was Atticus believes. Also to add on to what Veronica said, he wants to be a role model for his kids, but if he is shooting things right and left, well then his kids will follow which isn't what Atticus wants.

  4. I agree with Hagar, Atticus doesn’t want Jem and Scout to think that having a gun makes someone brave. He doesn’t take pride in his talent because he doesn’t condone killing living things. He only killed the dog because he had to, not because he wanted to. Atticus has a good moral compass when it comes to fighting and shooting and he wants Jem and Scout to take after him in those aspects.
